Welcome to SUEPO Vienna's website

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Season's Greetings from SUEPO

Dear SUEPO Members,

As we reflect on the past year, we are deeply grateful for your solidarity and unwavering commitment to our shared cause. Your support is the foundation of our collective strength and the progress we’ve achieved together in 2024.

This holiday season, we wish you moments of rest, joy, and connection with those who matter most. May this time renew your energy and inspire us all to continue standing united in 2025, ready to face new challenges and celebrate new successes together.

Thank you for being an essential part of our union. Together, we make a difference.

In solidarity and with warmest wishes,

Your SUEPO Vienna committee

Please consider joining SUEPO if you haven’t done so yet!


[SUEPO] Today all-day strike at the European Patent Office !

Official Announcement: Today, March 22, 2022, a one-day strike organized by the SUEPO union will take place at all EPO sites.